martes, 22 de agosto de 2023

Zodiaco de Otoño


Las leyendas y fábulas hablan de los Zodíacos que visitan la superficie de Elvenar, compartiendo la sabiduría del más allá. Cuando las corrientes celestes se alinean este año, tras mil años de anticipación, ¡estamos a punto de presenciar esta maravilla con nuestros propios ojos! La Serpiente Estelar, Tinlug, desciende sobre nuestra ciudad en una noche brillante y estrellada. La Orden de los Buscadores Celestiales, almas devotas que han dedicado su existencia a la búsqueda de la iluminación celestial, le sigue poco después. Junto con los Buscadores, aprovecha la oportunidad para ofrecer sentidos homenajes y entablar un diálogo con esta magnífica entidad sin edad. La Serpiente Estelar espera, dispuesta a iluminar tu camino a través de los reinos de la maravilla y la iluminación.

Queridos Humanos y Elfos,

Del 29 de agosto al 20 de septiembre podrás ganar Llaves Doradas completando misiones de evento, alcanzando hitos de misión, visitando tu ciudad a diario también podrás encontrar y recoger Llaves Doradas fuera de tu ciudad, ¡así que mantén los ojos bien abiertos! Usa tus Llaves Doradas para abrir Esferas Galácticas que contienen todo tipo de premios, incluidas varias recompensas diarias.


Abrir Esferas Galácticas otorga una cierta cantidad de Polvo de estrellas que se acumula en tu barra de progreso hacia los Grandes Premios especiales, incluyendo Artefactos de Evolución de este año, la Serpiente Estelar , el Tinlug.


3x3, Cultura, Población y más bonificaciones dependiendo del Capítulo y la Etapa
Bonificación de Comida de Mascotas: En la fase de evolución más alta, otorga un Catalizador de Combinación por cada 5 Encuentros de Torneo completados.

La línea de misiones consiste en una sección de historia y misiones episódicas adicionales; estas misiones comienzan en cuanto se completa la historia. Como resultado, el primer conjunto de misiones se puede completar de inmediato, pero las misiones posteriores reciben nuevas adiciones a diario, lo que te permite jugar 1 misión de evento más en cada nuevo día de evento. En el camino, completar las misiones de evento también te recompensará con Hitos.

Este evento también contiene de nuevo una opción de Pase del Premio Real, así como un Sistema de Ligas.

Te deseamos la mejor de las suertes en la cría de tu Serpiente Estelar y te invitamos a ver el video del evento.

Danos tu opinión sobre Zodiaco de Otoño en nuestro hilo de discusión!

Un cordial saludo,
Tu equipo Elvenar

Descargo de responsabilidad: Ten en cuenta que siempre puede haber diferencias en el diseño de los eventos, el equilibrio y los premios entre las versiones Beta y Live. Se requiere la versión 1.180 de la aplicación para que el evento funcione correctamente. Además, ten en cuenta que el último día del evento dura más de 24 horas para que no termine durante la noche (CET). Eso significa que la recompensa exclusiva diaria del 19 de septiembre es la última recompensa exclusiva diaria que también está disponible durante algunas horas más en la mañana (CET) del 20 de septiembre. El 20 de septiembre no se añadirá ninguna misión nueva a la línea de misiones, el último hito de misión se desbloqueará el 19 de septiembre.

martes, 8 de agosto de 2023

Wiki_Workshop of Diabhal's Horde


Workshop of Diabhal's Horde

Instead of smashing every bone, every piece of furniture and every glass individually you can of course aso build machines that do this. Just...why should you?


The purpose of Workshop of Diabhal's Horde is to produce:

  • Ch21 bones.png Broken Bones.
  • Ch21 furniture.png Destroyed Furniture.
  • Ch21 glass.png Splintered Glass.
  • Ch21 art.png Orcish Art.

These are used to produce other Settlement resources in the Vallorian Workshop, Oblations in the Vallorian Dragon Tower and to unlock some Chapter Technologies.


To be able to build the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Vallorian Dragon Tower with the Prey Trail.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Remember: In this Chapter you will have to take into account the amount of Prosperity you have available, so make sure you have the amount you need to build it. You can learn more about Prosperity on the page dedicated to the article.


The Workshop of Diabhal's Horde is where you can use Sentient Goods, Orcs, and other special Resources from the Settlement to produce Oblations in the Vallorian Dragon Tower.

Vallorian Production Building2 Produce.png


When you unlock the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Technology, not only can you build your Workshop, but you can also upgrade it to level 2, assuming you have the cost resources.

Vallorian Production Building2 Upgrade.png

When you unlock the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Upgrades Technology, you can upgrade your Workshop of Diabhal's Horde to level 4.

Upgrading a Workshop of Diabhal's Horde to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of Resources per production time. So the production will be more efficient!
  2. The amount of Prosperity used by the building, so the production of all settlement resources will be more efficient.

Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Overview

Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Prosperity Community Work Orcish Art Regular Production
Broken Bones
Destroyed Furniture
Splintered Glass
Orcish Art
1 5x3 12h 5 82 - 30 27 33 7
2 5x4 16h 3 133 6 45 40 50 10
3 5x5 20h 2 184 9 60 53 67 13
4 5x6 24h 3 230 11 75 67 83 17
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
B Ch21 Production2 1.png
B Ch21 Production2 2.png
B Ch21 Production2 3.png
B Ch21 Production2 4.png

Wiki_Vallorian Legend Production Buildings


The Vallorian Legend Production Buildings

In order to be able to deliver Oblations to the Vallorian people, you need the necessary cost resources, and there is nothing like using their Workshops to fulfil that goal.

Vallorian Production Buildings.png

Vallorian Workshop

A Vallorian Forge that can produce high quality material from low quality precursors. Everything you need to stand up to the lizard people and appease a god.


The purpose of the Vallorian Workshop is to produce:

  • Ch21 prey.png Prey (The only capped Resource of the chapter).
  • Ch21 scales.png Sea Serpent Scales.
  • Ch21 shells.png Lizard Shells.
  • Ch21 dragon.png Dragon Glass.

These are used to produce other Settlement resources in the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde, Oblations in the Vallorian Dragon Tower and to unlock some Chapter Technologies.


To be able to build the Vallorian Workshop you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Vallorian Dragon Tower with the Prey Trail.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Remember: In this Chapter you will have to take into account the amount of Prosperity you have available, so make sure you have the amount you need to build it. You can learn more about Prosperity on the page dedicated to the article.


The Vallorian Workshop is where you can use Coins to produce Prey (the only capped resource in this Chapter). For the rest of the available resources you will have to use Ascended Goods, Community Work, and other special Resources from the Settlement to produce Oblations in the Vallorian Dragon Tower.

Vallorian Production Building1 Produce.png


When you unlock the Vallorian Workshop Technology, not only can you build your Workshop, but you can also upgrade it to level 2, assuming you have the cost resources.

Vallorian Production Building1 Upgrade.png

When you unlock the Vallorian Workshop Upgrades Technology, you can upgrade your Vallorian Workshop to level 4.

Upgrading a Vallorian Workshop to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of Resources per production time. So the production will be more efficient!
  2. The amount of Prosperity used by the building, so the production of all settlement resources will be more efficient.

Vallorian Workshop Overview

Vallorian Workshop Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Prosperity Orcs Community Work Orcish Art Regular Production
Sea Serpent Scales
Lizard Shells
Dragon Glass
1 4x4 12h 8 34.000 - - 350 18 15 12
2 5x4 16h 5 - 191 8 520 27 22 18
3 6x4 20h 4 - 260 11 700 36 30 24
4 7x4 24h 5 - 340 14 870 45 37 30
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
B Ch21 Production1 1.png
B Ch21 Production1 2.png
B Ch21 Production1 3.png
B Ch21 Production1 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Workshop of Diabhal's Horde

Instead of smashing every bone, every piece of furniture and every glass individually you can of course aso build machines that do this. Just...why should you?


The purpose of Workshop of Diabhal's Horde is to produce:

  • Ch21 bones.png Broken Bones.
  • Ch21 furniture.png Destroyed Furniture.
  • Ch21 glass.png Splintered Glass.
  • Ch21 art.png Orcish Art.

These are used to produce other Settlement resources in the Vallorian Workshop, Oblations in the Vallorian Dragon Tower and to unlock some Chapter Technologies.


To be able to build the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected to the Vallorian Dragon Tower with the Prey Trail.

There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can be upgraded, stored, sold, and rebuilt.

Remember: In this Chapter you will have to take into account the amount of Prosperity you have available, so make sure you have the amount you need to build it. You can learn more about Prosperity on the page dedicated to the article.


The Workshop of Diabhal's Horde is where you can use Sentient Goods, Orcs, and other special Resources from the Settlement to produce Oblations in the Vallorian Dragon Tower.

Vallorian Production Building2 Produce.png


When you unlock the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Technology, not only can you build your Workshop, but you can also upgrade it to level 2, assuming you have the cost resources.

Vallorian Production Building2 Upgrade.png

When you unlock the Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Upgrades Technology, you can upgrade your Workshop of Diabhal's Horde to level 4.

Upgrading a Workshop of Diabhal's Horde to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of Resources per production time. So the production will be more efficient!
  2. The amount of Prosperity used by the building, so the production of all settlement resources will be more efficient.

Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Overview

Workshop of Diabhal's Horde Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Prosperity Community Work Orcish Art Regular Production
Broken Bones
Destroyed Furniture
Splintered Glass
Orcish Art
1 5x3 12h 5 82 - 30 27 33 7
2 5x4 16h 3 133 6 45 40 50 10
3 5x5 20h 2 184 9 60 53 67 13
4 5x6 24h 3 230 11 75 67 83 17
Remember: In this Chapter, the boost for Settlement Productions is made through a Prosperity Factor, visit the page dedicated to the article to find out more.
Building Levels
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
B Ch21 Production2 1.png
B Ch21 Production2 2.png
B Ch21 Production2 3.png
B Ch21 Production2 4.png