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Orcs & Goblins
After the Fairies and with their help, you will be able to continue on your journey discovering the races of the old world. Against the advice of Queen Sidhe - Majesty of the Leaf, you will try to bring back a not so nice and peaceful race: The Orcs!
But it is known that Orcs are ... well... Orcs! So they will be coming along with Goblins in order to work in some strange collaboration and make the best (or worst) for your city! These two races will form a contrasting coalition. Orcs are big, strong, dull and aggressive with only three things on their mind: fighting, power and food! On the other hand, Goblins are malicious and mischievous and their full purpose is cultivating mysterious mushrooms they can do genius experiments with, to later use on ... the Orcs!
These two very distinct groups will work together "as much as they need but as little as possible", each side trying to get a bigger advantage from that collaboration than the other. This will lead to some weird situations and maybe some destructive ones, but very humorous nonetheless.
As expected, as soon as the Fairies pick up the scent of smelly, rotten elements, they become suspicious of what is to come and decide to leave your city! But not before giving you a warning: "if you take your decision of reviving the Orcs any further, they will not help you and you will have to deal with the nasty consequences yourself"
On the other hand, the lovely smell of flowers, the peaceful environment with birds, trees and bees will disgust the Orcs, so they will be arriving wanting to crush and smash everything that is beautiful, including eating the Fairies! Please don't let that happen! Have your best warriors ready to escort the Orcs into your city, to ensure the safety of your citizens and help the Fairies to take their settlement into a distant place where their farms are safe from these beasts, so that they keep evolving in the new lands of Elvenar.
One thing you must know about the Orcs: they can barely speak ... they mostly grunt, but they are incredibly strong, so you can use their brute force into your advantage to grow your city even further. You just need to find a way to .... let's say ... manipulate them! Attracted by the concepts of fighting and destruction, the Orcs will find your armories the appropriate place to live and breed, but don't worry, Goblins will provide you the knowledge and resources to control those muscled creatures: magic and powerful mushrooms are the key!
Orcs also get bored very easily and have a devouring appetite and lust for meat, so you have to keep them busy and distracted so that they don't eat your people! Maybe providing some activities for them in the Rally Point and rewarding them with some mushrooms will be enough?! Goblins, as you will see, are a bit picky about the materials they use in their experiments so they will completely destroy your Magic Dust manufactories and built their own - the dust there is more powerful, they say!
Be prepared! Orcs are filthy, dumb and brute creatures! They used to live in swamps and dumps after all! But despite all the mess, the stinky smells and a bit of destruction, once the Goblins teach you the magic ways to control them, they will also help you to grow your city, providing you muscular power to upgrade your buildings and expand your city even further! With them you will even discover some other creatures that once inhabited the Old Elvenar, providing you with even more cultural knowledge!
Orcs & Goblins' Buildings
Orcs & Goblins Buildings List Overview | |||||
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Orcs Portal Site
The Orcs Portal Site is the building that will allow you to bring the Orcs & Goblins back from the dead into Elvenar. As soon as you research its technology and place the building in your city, you will start seeing these nasty creatures running around your city searching for something to destroy...
Being the only way to bring the Orcs & Goblins back to life and keep them in your city until they are fully established, the Portal will need a street connection to your Main Hall at all times, just like all the buildings you have so far. On the other hand, to connect the Portal to their special buildings - Mushroom Farm and Orc Rally Point - you will need a special street called the Swamp Tail.
The Orcs Portal Site will act as the storage for all that Goblins produce in their Mushroom Farms, the things that Orcs bring from their activities, as well as the source for their buildings' production bonus. As you will notice Orcs & Goblins Buildings have different purposes, resulting in different Goods! Most of them can be stored unlimitedly in the Portal, except for the Shroom of Wisdom and Loot.
Clicking on the building opens your inventory for the race's productions: it will show you the storage capacity for those two Goods, the amount you have of all the others as well as the current bonus percentage for all buildings' productions. When the storage is full for Shroom of Wisdom or Loot, it will show a red bar on the respective Good information. To enlarge its storage capacity you will need to upgrade the Portal to the next level or spend some Goods!
If you hover your mouse over the Orcs Portal Site you will be able to see a tooltip with the current storage capacity and how filled with Goods your building is.
You can only build the Orcs Portal Site after researching its technology and as long as you have the proper resources to unlock it in the Research Tree. It needs a street connection to the Main Hall, it can be sold, rebuilt and upgraded.
Hint: Even if you sell your Orcs Portal Site, you will keep the race's resources in your city! |
Upgrading the Orcs Portal Site to a new level will increase:
- The amount of Shroom of Wisdom and Loot you can store;
- The production bonus for all the Orcs & Goblins' Goods;
Orcs Portal Overview
Building Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | ||
Press on each building level to see a bigger image. |
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