domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

Evolucionable del próximo evento


Purring Sanctum

Santuario ronroneante

Este es el último lugar que queda del recipiente perdido de una deidad, un sitio abandonado por los dioses pero profundamente venerado por aquellos que lo recuerdan. Recogida de producción cada 24 horas.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

Breve repaso al evento de primavera

Anuncio del evento que nos invita a ver un video

Ver video

También tenemos liga y sus respectivos premios, según el nivel que alcancemos

Dichos valores no son fijos.

Aspecto de la colmena

Los Edificios que componen el Set.

Con producciones a 24 horas y en Edad XXI

El set al completo

Los grandes premios...

Con dos edificios del set

Al llegar a las 120 no dan el tercero del set.

Con 180 otro

Y con 260 ya el último

Estos edificios del set ya son repetidos y se te fijas con diamantes se pueden comprar otro en esta página y la anterior.

En la misión 62 nos sale ya el sexto edificio del set

Lo que nos toca recoger por los alrededores de la ciudad

Palas de bronce

Aspecto del tablero de juego del evento de primavera.

Novedad en la Torre de la Eternidad (Beta)


A la hermandad se le ha añadido una nueva pestaña y esta vez relacionada con la torre de la Eternidad.

Nos indica la puntuación obtenida por la hermandad cada semana, mostrando inicialmente las tres últimas semanas.

Vemos como la semana presente (Round 4) esta activa y finaliza en menos de 36 horas y se ha obtenido un primer cofre y 12 esencias celestiales.

La ventana de progresión muestra todos los cofres que se pueden obtener (12) y solo uno de ellos activado.

Así mismo las semanas anteriores muestran si se ha realizado un aporte y cual es dicha cantidad de esencias añadidas para culminar la torre.

Es de esperar que salvo que añadan más páginas se acabe mostrando la puntuación de las ultimas 5 semanas y la vigente en dicho momento.

También muestra el número de participantes, el 1/12 o el 0/12 hace referencia a ello.

La novedad no aporta mucho, salvo lo mencionado y que ver todos los cofres de recompensa activados, reconfortarán nuestro espíritu;)

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2024

Celebrating 9 Years of Elvenar: Crafting Memories Across Realms

 By Rikke Jacobsen Apr 10, 2024 

9 years of Elvenar

As the vibrant world of Elvenar reaches its 9th-anniversary milestone, it’s time to reflect on the magical journey we’ve embarked upon together. Over the past nine years, Elvenar has evolved from a mere concept into a thriving community of players, each contributing to the rich tapestry of this fantastical realm.

In this anniversary blog article, we’ll delve into some cherished memories and unforgettable moments from members of the Elvenar team, who share their anecdotes and reflections on the evolution of the game. Together, we’ll reminisce about the moments that have defined our journey and shaped Elvenar into the beloved masterpiece it is today.

Let’s dive into some anecdotes from the Elvenar Team!

Community Manager of Elvenar

“Where does gaming end and love begin? The very question many people ask the world over. For us, it was sharing the common ground of being Community Managers on the same project: Elvenar! When I joined the CM team, I encountered a very helpful CM from another market, who checked in on me regularly to see if I was doing ok, if I needed any help, how was my day, what are you up to now? From there we gradually realized how much we had in common, from gaming to music, to specific niche interests, and much more. Plans were made to meet up beyond the screen and see if we were still compatible and happy in the same space. Then the pandemic hit and like the lives of so many, put the hold button down on everything. But this gave us even more time to get to know each other, and the miles between our countries would soon evaporate when travel was again possible. Fast forward to the present day, we have been living together for a couple of years now, the wedding is booked for May 2024 and our future is bright. All because of a game, albeit a very special one that will always be a part of our personal history, as without it we would never have met and fallen in love – Thank you Elvenar!!!!”

Anna, Product Manager of Elvenar

“I have been playing on my PL account since the server was launched in 2015. One of my favorite things at Elvenar was always keeping a corner of my city just full of pretty Culture Buildings from events, especially ALL of the Unicorns. By now, I have a small herd that guards my city and I am always happy to add new ones to my collection. Just recently, when our community chose a unicorn to be the next constellation for the upcoming Autumn Zodiac event, I felt like I am really working on the right game, full of people who love those magical creatures!”

Damla, Game Designer of Elvenar

“Creating new event stories and themes is a joy for us. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing players enjoy our creations. As an example, designing the witty raccoon was a delight. We aimed to tell a story about a lovable imposter who, though not a bear, wins everyone’s heart. His strength increases with the food he consumes, which is quite fitting for his self-centered nature. Seeing players engage with and appreciate this character has been genuinely heartwarming.”

Linda, Software Developer of Elvenar

“One day we got a notice from Office Management that there was a “surprise” for the whole Elvenar team. We were a little bit suspicious because we did not know what to expect. Honestly, I thought that there were some food leftovers. When we discovered that the surprise was a bouquet of flowers sent by a lovely player to thank the team, we were so overwhelmed (in a positive way). Everyone was super hyped and proud. We were even proudly showing the flowers around other InnoGames members! It was just such a cute gesture. By pure accident, this was also a day that was chosen as a get-together day in the office so in the evening, we celebrated a bit.”

Timon, Game Designer of Elvenar

“I have some fun facts to share with you!
When I was thinking about the world map design of Elvenar, I ended up being heavily inspired by the soccer ball, with the black dots being the player cities, and the white dots the provinces – who would have thought that the worlds of Elvenar and soccer are so closely related?
And guess what, originally, we planned to have three races to select from, not two, with the Orcs being the third race. But we were afraid that this way every player would miss out on too much race-exclusive content… and we were also scared of how this could be balanced fairly between all three races. It was already a challenge to balance e.g. the battle units for Elves and Humans. So eventually, we went with Humans and Elves only.
Hmm… One more: In the original design, Elvenar was planned to be a way more competitive game, where players could attack each other’s cities. There would have been another military building besides the Armories, called “the Guards”, which would help you defend your city. But we decided against this approach in favor of a more collaborative experience and peaceful atmosphere, e.g., adding Fellowship Adventures and Tournaments instead of something like Fellowship Wars.”

As we look towards the future, we anticipate even more adventures, challenges, and memories waiting to unfold in the enchanted world of Elvenar. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer eager to embark on your own journey, we invite you to join us in celebrating nine years of magic, creativity, and community.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure with us. Here’s to many more years in the realm of Elvenar.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024

Cuando el rio suena


 that's not a unicorn, so may be something else.=)

Podría ser el próximo regalo de aniversario, ¡posiblemente!.

Este blog recientemente, el 3 de marzo, cumplió su octavo aniversario y el juego va camino de cumplir un año más.  Que si no me equivoco será en junio. Aunque esa fecha no corresponde a cuando se inició aquí, mas bien diria que corresponde a la beta de entonces en inglés.

Si que recuerdo trastear en ella y no me llego a convencer y a eso de finales de enero del 2016 es cuando doy mis primeros pasos en al juego, con este ya empezado y con jugadores por entonces en los enanos, que mas bien me parecian gigantes por el tamaño de sus ciudades. 

Si alguien realiza una tarta y quiere compartir una foto de ella en este blog, que me envie una imagen a mi cuenta "Gate" y la publicaremos aquí

Muchas felicidades a todos nuestros lectores ya que sin vosotros este blog no tendría razón de ser.


Nuevo evento beta el 26 de marzo

 Captura de pantalla 2024-03-20 110058.png

Hola a todos, ¡

tenemos un nuevo evento próximamente!

# Buzzing Spring - En versión beta a partir del 26 de marzo

En el bosque susurrante, donde el duende de las flores se siente como en casa, algo mágico se está agitando. En su jardín, normalmente tan familiar, de repente brotan flores que parecen haber crecido de la noche a la mañana, bailando al son de una melodía invisible. Por encima de esta animada danza de flores y hojas, un zumbido profundo capta su atención, alejándolo de su santuario floral hacia el espeso bosque.

Siguiendo esta misteriosa melodía, el elfo de las flores se encuentra con un espectáculo épico: la Gran Colmena, repleta de vida y dos veces más alta que el roble más grande. Sus ojos se abren y sus pulgares verdes se mueven. No es una colmena cualquiera. Es cosa de una leyenda, una que los apicultores se cuentan alrededor de una fogata.

Con paso rápido y un corazón lleno de valentía (¿o es simplemente curiosidad goblinoide?), se dirige de puntillas hacia el majestuoso Arco de la Colmena, ansioso por conocer a estos bulliciosos constructores.

¿Estás listo para explorar lo desconocido? ¡Acompaña al Duende de las Flores, echa un vistazo a la Gran Colmena y descubre un mundo lleno de secretos y magnificencia!

## Premio principal: Un conjunto de edificios formado por 6 habitaciones.

Los edificios producen cultura, población y fragmentos de hechizos, unidades de vitalidad del 10% o productos de ascensión, según el edificio.

## ¡Un nuevo enfoque para las misiones!
Algunas misiones se han adaptado a los capítulos de los jugadores. Esto significa que los jugadores de diferentes capítulos encontrarán diferentes misiones en determinadas ubicaciones.

Este evento también incluirá el sistema de liga y el pase real.

No dudes en darnos tu opinión en el canal dedicado. ¡Los errores se pueden informar como siempre!
Gracias por su ayuda e interés en la versión beta.

*Saludos cordiales*
*Tu equipo de Elvenar

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-20 105754.png

Fiddlin’ Foliage
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 2x2
Set building: Golden Hive
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 1x 
, 0x undefined


24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

Pollen Pantry
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 2x2
Set building: Golden Hive
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 1x 
, 0x undefined


24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

Pupa Nest
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 2x2
Set building: Golden Hive
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 1x 
, 0x undefined


24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

Sentry Post
Building type: Culture
Construction time: 10s
Size: 1x3
Set building: Golden Hive
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 1x 
, 0x undefined


24h / 24h


The Gilded Jar
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 2x2
Set building: Golden Hive
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 1x 
, 0x undefined


24h / 24h

The High Hive
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 3x3
Set building: Golden Hive
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 2x 
, 0x undefined


24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h

24h / 24h






Banshee Bramble
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 6x2
Set building: -
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 3x 
, 0x undefined


6h / 12h

Sweetcomb Square
Building type: Culture-residential
Construction time: 10s
Size: 4x5
Set building: -
Expiring: -
Resale resources: 3x 
, 0x undefined