viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

Teleport Building Spell

 Teleport Building Spell

Dear Humans and Elves,

Today we have updated the rewards available from the Spire of Eternity on Beta! It is now possible to receive a Teleport Building Spell, which can be used to teleport a building into the inventory. This Spell works on many buildings, with some exceptions, such as limited Settlement buildings, Main Hall, Trader, Ancient Wonders, and some more.

The Teleport Spell is exclusively available via the Spire of Eternity, and can be found in some Encounters in the Spire, including some early ones, Boss Encounters, and it is a potential reward in Mystery Chests. The Teleport Building Spell replaces some other rewards from these Chests.


From the Inventory, you can either place them back into your city, or you can disenchant the building for Spell Fragments to use in Crafting.

We're very curious to hear your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts by posting in the discussion thread!

Kind regards
Your Elvenar Team

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