Elvenar Team
Hi everyone!
We have just installed a hotfix on our Beta which includes the following:
- The price of expansions did not always update correctly when you were placing multiple in a row
- Fixed an image in the research tree since it was blurry
- Quests 'Troop Parade' and 'Broad Training' (both Humans) can now be completed correctly
- After completing the last quest of Wonky Walter's, the banner at the top of the game now disappears correctly
- Resolved an issue where it was impossible to upgrade a Workshop if your Supplies storage was full
- You can use TAB again to go from one text field to the next on the 'Place Offer' tab in the Trader
- You can now complete the Wonky Walter's quests that require Workshop productions with Magic Workshops
- The reward window from quests has been reinstated
- It is no longer possible to open the same Encounter window multiple times using the new shortcuts
- Added a tooltip in the 'Delete offer' confirmation window in the Trader
- When a Barracks production finishes while you're offline, you now get the correct number of units without having to reload the game first
- Fixed an error when buying Knowledge Points via another player's Ancient Wonder
- Solved an issue where a quest for the new guest race already appeared, even though it shouldn't have
- You now receive an indicator again when you are online and receive a new Notification
- Quests in the Wonky Walter's events that requested multiple spells to be collected were changed so that you can now also collect multiple at once and finish the quest that way
- Removed the question mark icon from the Wonky Walter's quest windows since it was not functional
- Fixed a minor display issue in Notifications after changing the Archmage of a Fellowship
- It is now always possible again to see where a unit can move, even if it is not the unit's turn in the battle
- It is no longer possible to attempt and visit players via the Rankings who did not yet select a race
- Resolved a display issue in the Army Selection screen regarding the enemy squad size
- Fixed a small display issue with the arrows in the research tree
- The messaging system now shows the correct name over each message, even in messages with multiple users
- Fixed a sorting problem in the Tournament Checkpoint window

En la parte superior está el extracto del parche implementado en el cual vemos que todo va relacionado con arreglar errores existentes del juego y del evento.
La versión actual en el beta es la 1.15, una por delante de la nuestra y que lleva desde el 19 de septiembre implementada, pero que ha presentado numerosos problemas que ha retrasado su incorporación al resto de servidores.
Es de suponer que solventados estos y los del evento Wonky Walters volvamos a la rutina de actualizaciones y tengamos una nueva actualización muy pronto.
Mi hipótesis es que en teoría deberíamos tener una nueva actualización del juego el próximo miércoles, la cual incorporaría el primer parche del sistema de batallas. También puede que incorpore el evento o este se nos presente unos días después.
La llegada de una nueva raza "Elfos del bosque" y los siguientes parches del sistema de batallas, aún tardarán en llegar ya que antes deben de probarse en el beta para evitar sorpresas.
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