Dear Humans and Elves,
Today's update brings a much-anticipated change to Elvenar: the Battle Redesign! Over the past weeks we have already been discussing this change, but today we are actually giving you the chance to play with the new changes. On top of that we have prepared a whole lot of other changes as well. Please find the full list of changes below.
- It is now possible to visit the Forum and Wiki via a new button at the bottom right of the game
- We have added a number of new hotkeys:
- You can now use W to go to the World Map from within a Province
- You can now use numbers 1-5 to start productions in the Barracks - this, by default, takes the largest amount you can train
- You can now use numbers 1-4 to start productions in the Magic Academy
- Within a window that has multiple pages you can use the arrow keys to go to the previous (arrow to the left) and next page (arrow to the right)
- Within a window that has multiple pages you can use shift+arrow to the left to go to the first page, and shift+arrow to the right to go to the last page
- Within a window that has multiple tabs you can use the tab key to jump to the next tab, and shift+tab to go to the previous tab
- In your city, using the S key you open the Main Hall on the Relics tab
- In a province, you can open the encounters using numbers 1-8
- We have made some major changes to the way the game handles visiting another player's city in our system - this change will help solve an issue where quests that ask to upgrade or construct buildings did not complete correctly
- The Army Camp screen in the Barracks has been reworked to also show units from other military buildings
- Training Speed in the Barracks no longer shows in percentages but in absolute numbers: the new number is the factor with which the time is increased (e.g. what previously was 400% is now 4)
- The lay-out of the Trader changed slightly: you can now see the avatar of the person who created offers, the 'Accept' button changed into a button with a checkmark, and the 'Cancel' button changed into a button with a cross
- This update comes with one of the biggest balancing changes we have done to date: the first package of the Battle Redesign! The most important changes are listed below:
- Many technologies have been moved in the technology tree, mostly those related to battle: units have been moved forwards, and two 'squad size increase' technologies have been moved forward, so that they are more evenly distributed over the research tree. It can be possible that you will have to research those moved technologies first, before you can progress at the end of the technology tree. If you had already unlocked them, they will remain unlocked for you. Note: due to several reasons, we could not leave all the moved technologies as optional for now, which is why you will have to research those first if you already passed their new point in the research tree, but hadn't researched them yet. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- Two Squad Size Upgrade technologies have been moved forwards to respectively Chapters 1 and 2
- The Paladin unit has been moved forwards from Chapter 3 to Chapter 2
- Paladin II's technology has been moved forwards from Chapter 5 to Chapter 4
- The Priest (Humans) and Sorceress (Elves) technologies have been moved forwards from Chapter 4 to Chapter 3
- Squad Size Increase technologies now give 3x their number of increase to your maximum squad size, rather than the fixed +12 that they would give until now
- The calculation of which NPC army you will face has been changed for both regular Provinces as well as Tournaments
- Updated quests where necessary to reflect the new system and new technology positions
- NPC units in provinces can now also be level 2 or even 3, depending on the distance of the province
- Updated the upgrade effects of the Barracks in terms of training speed
- Updated all Ancient Wonders that offer effects to training speed to accommodate the new system (their strength, relatively, is similar to what it was before)
- Unit production has been rebalanced: you can now create more units in the same time
- Unit production costs are no longer increasing when you upgrade your unit, instead they stay the same per unit
- All the values for the units were changed to accommodate the new system, which can include: damage, health, unit weight, maximum walking distance, reach and retaliation
- Many technologies have been moved in the technology tree, mostly those related to battle: units have been moved forwards, and two 'squad size increase' technologies have been moved forward, so that they are more evenly distributed over the research tree. It can be possible that you will have to research those moved technologies first, before you can progress at the end of the technology tree. If you had already unlocked them, they will remain unlocked for you. Note: due to several reasons, we could not leave all the moved technologies as optional for now, which is why you will have to research those first if you already passed their new point in the research tree, but hadn't researched them yet. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
While this list may seem short, please note that we managed to push a lot of our bugfixes from the last weeks forward to hotfixes of the 1.14 version, and we will always push bug fixes into earlier releases whereever possible.
- Fixed an issue where a wrong portrait could show in a player's city
As always, we're very much looking forward to your feedback. You can leave your feedback in the following threads:
- For general feedback on the update, you can use the update discussion thread here: click
- For feedback about the Battle Redesign part of this update, you can use the discussion thread for Battle Redesign here: click
Your Elvenar Team
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La estrella de esta nueva actualización es sin duda el re-diseño de las batallas, aunque hay también otros interesantes cambios.
Mientras que el existente (?) se reserva exclusivamente para enviar tickets a Soporte.
Se incluyen nuevas teclas de acceso rápido al juego, que permiten asignar producciones con pulsar un número, tanto en el cuartel como en la academia de magia.
También escoger que encuentro realizar con pulsar del 1 al 8 dentro de una provincia, así como ir a las reliquias de nuestro capitolio con solo pulsar la tecla S. Ademas de otras posibilidades con las teclas de avance página y retroceso, moverse en múltiples páginas o utilizar el tabulador para moverse por las pestañas.
Otro de los cambios significativos viene del cuartel, ya que nos permitirá ver las unidades que dispongamos de otros edificios, por ejemplo los orcos o de los que nos realice el campo de mercenarios.
Los porcentajes ya no aparecen en el cuartel, ahora se sustituyen por un número absoluto.
Otra de las novedades se encuentra en la lonja, en donde podemos ver el avatar de los ofertantes.
El botón Aceptar también a cambiado y el de cancelar a sido cambiado por una cruz.
El re-diseño del sistema de batalla es el grueso de los cambios que se avecinan, pero prefiero dejar para más adelante cuando se anuncie en nuestro servidor esta nueva actualización los datos referentes a ello.
Si me es posible lo probaré, aunque ya veo que los cambios me afectan en este momento en dos ampliaciones de pelotón, la 11 y la 12 que antes eran opcionales y ahora son obligatorias. Se encontraban en el nivel 5 de investigaciones y ahora han pasado al nivel 4.
Así que mucho ojo con estos cambios que nos pueden hacer retroceder en nuestro libro de investigaciones.
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