The Phoenix Cult
Dear Humans and Elves,
One year ago, the Rise of Phoenix began with monstrous eggs falling from
the sky. Scientists and cultists would investigate this extraordinary
happening with passion and excitement. This year around the same time,
the Phoenix has re-established his reign over Elvenar's fauna with the
help of his strongly committed cult. Temples and breeding sites have
been established and the Phoenix is expecting his offspring anytime
Between now and April 5th 2018 you can find his eggs randomly
around your city and fulfill special quests to gain Sky Essence. You can
use this Sky Essence to open up Phoenix Eggs for special daily prizes
and opening up Phoenix Eggs, rewards you with Phoenix Feathers. These
Phoenix Feathers can be saved up to unlock some marvellous Grand Prizes!
This year's Rise of the Phoenix event brings no less than 5 new Set
Buildings, which can be combined for great rewards! Three of them are
the Grand Prizes and the other two can be won as daily prizes, which
means you can have multiple of them!
We are very egg-cited to hear your feedback so please let us know your thoughts in our discussion thread. Happy egg-hunting!
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team

hola gate!! estamos esperando con impaciencie el evento y las misiones. sabes algo?
EliminarYa hoy han anunciado el evento para el lunes 19 y por el momento el post en el blog con las misiones está en borrador a la espera que complete la traducción de las 86 misiones consecutivas y por el momento solo se conoce 5 de las misiones diarias y sus respectivos Especiales del día.
Sin embargo si se conocen ya los edificios del evento y las novedades del mismo.
Intentaré ir avanzando poco a poco cosas, ya que por el tema de las fallas, me es imposible dedicar el tiempo que esto precisa. A ver si esta noche ya presento al menos la lista de las misiones para su planificación.