For a list of unit details please refer to the Elvenar Wiki or to the units section of Elven Architect. The below information is looking at how to turn the unit information into a strategy of your own.
Please note for this section of the guide
Every unit has 3 levels, basic, advanced, expert. The names of the units change as they progress through these levels. Sometimes it is simply adding a II or a III and sometimes words will be added to the name like “Bud” for the Bud Sorceress the expert level Sorceress for Elves.
For the sake of simplicity most of the graphics and comments refer to the basic unit. Generally the strategies needed do not change as you progress through the better unit levels. However at the expert level units obtain special abilities that the earlier levels did not have, this is for enemy and friendly units alike. As such your strategy needs to vary slightly to allow for these bonuses.
Also note at the time of posting (v1.16/v1.17) that there are continual tweaks and variations still occurring to the combat system. Updates will be made as able, but minor variations may take a while.
When to Fight
Before trying any fight you need to decide if you should fight. The best way to do this is to compare your squad size to that of the enemy. Fight difficulty ranges from easy (you outnumber the enemy), fair (evenly matched), difficult (enemy out numbers you a little), to impossible (enemy outnumbers you by 2 or more). See chart below.
Thanks to @varron for the inspiration and design
If you are outnumbered consider your skill, troops available to you, combat pentagon, wonders that you own and any soon to activate military technologies.
Military technologies
Your initial squad size is 6 and increases with every new squad size technology. The increase is 3 times the squad size technology. So if you have researched squad size 1 and 3 your squad size would be 6 + (1 x 3) + (3 x 3) = 18. Researching new military technology is very important to be competitive in provinces.
You are not meant to or expected to win fights where your opponent is double or more your army size, so ensure you keep researching your squad size upgrades.
Certain wonders increase the effectiveness of your troops by improving their hit points or increasing their strength. Some wonders also provide free troops every few hours. Please refer to the section on Wonders.
Battle Pentagon
Each unit type is specialised against 2 other unit types and weak to 2 unit types. From the picture below Light melee is good against light ranged and magical units while it is weak to heavy ranged and heavy melee.
General fighting
Manual verse Auto Fighting
Manual fights will typically cost you less units, learning to fight early when fights are easier will save you in the long run. Losses are inevitable assess possible losses against the cost of negotiation, it can be cheaper to negotiate if losses are expected to be high. The more varied the enemy types the more likely losses might occur.
Scout terrain
You can scout a province by choosing to do a manual fight and then quit, do this with your highest initiative troop. This costs nothing and allows you to scout a battlefield so you can position troops effectively.
Troop placement
The starting position of troops depends on the order you select them. The first troop starts in the middle, the second troop goes immediately above the first and the third immediately below. The fourth one goes at the top and the fifth at the bottom. Whether manual or auto-fighting improved placement can save you from suffering heavy losses.
The enemy targets the highest initiative troops within range, thus Archers are often good as cannon fodder to draw enemy fire.
Troop bonuses and special abilities
Look at the offensive and defensive bonus of your troops. A defense bonus of -80% means you take 80% less damage. An offense bonus of 20% means you cause 20% more damage.
Only one special ability stays in effect on an enemy if it is a similar type of effect. Effects of different types will stack. Pay attention to this if fighting with multiple troops with the same effect as the impact on the enemy changes based on who attacked them last. For example a -20% weakens enemy will replace a -60% weakens enemy if it was the last attack on the enemy.
Retaliation and focused attacks
A troop only retaliates once per turn so ganging up on an enemy can mean you take less damage than fighting 1v1
Troop selection
The game has a user interface that helps with identifying good unit choice
When you hover over a unit it will highlight enemy units that it has an advantage against or is neutral to. The pop-up above your unit shows which units it is strong against with a sword rating and which is neutral. For details of why there are these ratings check the unit information in game, wiki or elven architect for details.
Human Troops
Axe Barbarian
It has attack bonuses for light range and mage units. When they become storm barbarians they gain a special ability that increases damage on an enemy by 30% for 1 round. Both light range and mage units have the advantage of distance, you will need to draw them in close or run them down quick to take advantage of your attack bonus.
It has attack and defense bonuses for heavy melee and mage units. When they become Master Crossbowman they gain a special ability to reduce enemy attacks by 20% for 3 turns.
These units have the highest initiative so they will be targeted first by enemy troops. You can use this to draw in the enemy for your slower moving units to close in. They are also ideal for scouting maps to decide placement. When they get the special ability this can be used to provide cover for allies to close on an enemy or in combination with defense bonuses to greatly reduce damage.
It has attack bonuses for heavy melee and heavy range plus defense bonus for heavy range. Special ability increase damage to enemy units by 40% for 2 rounds. When they become sacred priests they gain a special ability to reduce enemy attacks by 30% for 2 turns.
These unit are particularly effective against heavy range units due to their defense bonus, as sacred priests their defense bonus and special ability can make them immune to heavy range units. Also works well in combination with paladins against heavy range.
It has attack bonuses for light melee and heavy range plus defense bonus for heavy range. When they become blessed paladin they gain a special ability to increase damage by 10% for 3 turns.
These unit are particularly effective against heavy range units due to their defense bonus, works well in combination with paladins against heavy range.
It has attack bonuses for light melee and light range plus defense bonus for light melee. When they become rad mortar they gain a special ability to reduce enemy attacks by 20% for 3 turns.
These unit are particularly effective against light melee units due to their defense bonus.
Elven Troops
Sword Dancer
It has attack and defense bonuses for light range and mage units. When they become sword acrobat they gain a special ability that reduces enemy damage by 40% for 1 round.
Light range and mage units have the "long reach" on sword dancers. You will need to absorb their first attack or rush them down to kill them. With a high imitative sword dancers are targeted quickly by enemy units. The map will determine if sword dancers or your archers are better to take out the mage units. Using them as kamikazes can be an option, drive in and take out the mages then sacrifice what is left of them while your other troops focus on the next key targets.
It has attack bonuses for heavy melee and mage units and defense bonuses for heavy melee units. When they become Elite Archer they gain a special ability to increase damage by 20% for 2 turns.
These units have the highest initiative so they will be targeted first by enemy troops. You can use this to draw in the enemy for your slower moving units to close in. They are also ideal for scouting maps to decide placement.
Note while specialised against mage units they have no defense ability against mages. You will need to protect them so every hit they do counts.
Attack and defense bonuses for heavy melee and heavy range. Special ability reduces enemy attacks by 50% for 2 turns. When they become bud sorceress they gain an additional special ability to increase damage by 20% for 2 turns.
Extremely effective against heavy range and heavy melee units due to their high defense bonus and special ability. Use their ability to reduce damage taken by other allies, for allies with high natural defense the sorceress can help make them immune to a certain units attacks. With a range of 3 she must be within striking distance of heavy melee units to hit them, be mindful of this in respect to terrain/other units or consider a blossom mage for superior range.
Their ability lasts for 2 turns, by alternating attacks between enemies you can strategically reduce the damage your units receive.
It has attack bonuses for heavy range plus defense bonus for light melee and heavy range. When they become elder treant they gain a special ability to reduce enemy attacks by 30% for 2 turns.
These unit are particularly effective against heavy range units due to their high defense bonus, works well in combination with sorceress defensive ability. Their slow movement means you need to plan how best to close in on your opponent. Note they have only a mild defense against light melee units with no offensive bonus, if possible time it so you get first strike.
It has attack bonuses for light melee and light range plus defense bonus for light range. When they become granite golem they gain a special ability to increase damage by 10% for 3 turns.
Golems and sorceress make a great combination with one skilled at light melee/range and the other for heavy melee/range.
Training ground units
The training grounds is a separate building to your barracks but shares the same build queue. This building is available from era 2. You may upgrade your barracks while still building troops in your training ground and vice versa.
Cerberus (Era 2)
Attack bonuses for light range and mage units and defense for mage units. When they become sinister cerberus they gain a special ability that Increases damage by 20% for 2 round.
With no defense against light range and minimal against mages these units will take a lot of damage. Their high movement can often see them surrounded by other enemy units that have a specialty against light range. You will need to either draw the light range and mage units away from their allies or go for a kamikaze approach and aim to destroy their primary targets first
This is a valuable early game unit to have a fast moving light melee option. They are also a very good choice against Abbots as they can close in one them quickly.
Dryad (Era 4)
Attack bonuses for heavy melee and defense for heavy melee and mage units. When they become Poison Dryad they gain a special ability that decreases defenses by 30%.
Their high attack and defense against heavy melee make them specialists against these units. They have some defense to mage units but no attack advantage
Banshee (Era 5)
Attack and defense bonuses for heavy melee and heavy range units. They have minimal attack and defense against heavy melee but large bonuses against heavy range making them specialised against heavy range units. They have a natural ability to increase damage by 50% for a short time. When they become Ghastly Banshee they gain a special ability that decreases defenses by 40%.
Orc Warrior (Era 8)
Attack and defense bonuses for light melee and heavy range units. They are specialised light melee hunters with strong attack and defense bonuses. Their bonuses against heavy range are minimal and a different unit should be used if facing large numbers of these. When they become Gruff Orc Warrior they gain a special ability that increases damage by 20%.
Your Orc resource is used to produce this unit. Thus if you are low on supplies you can still produce troops using orcs.
Orc strategist (Era 8)
Attack and defense bonuses for light range and a defense bonus for light melee units. They are specialised light range hunters. When they become Senior Orc Strategist they gain a special ability that decreases defenses by 30%.
Your orc resource is used to produce this unit. Thus if you are low on supplies you can still produce troops using orcs.
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